Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Gregory Hayes | Tides of Time


Gregory Hayes
Tides of Time
September 1st – October 20th, 2021

Maybaum Gallery is pleased to present Tides of Time, our second solo show for New York City artist Gregory Hayes.

Extended viewing now through October 20th, 2021. The gallery is currently open by appointment only Tuesday - Saturday 10:30am - 5:30pm.

Tides of Time concerns the interplay of two colors, black and white, as they appear atop the earth-toned artist fabrics of raw canvas, linen, hemp and jute. This new body of work is part of Gregory Hayes’s Duochrome series, in which he shows us a seemingly endless array of silver hues through the patterning of concentric squares. One drip of acrylic paint after another demonstrates to us his methodical yet serendipitous approach to art making.

In these new paintings Hayes combines black and white pigment and then drips them directly onto the substrate allowing the paint to consolidate into small swirled spheres. Meticulously sequestered into his hand-drawn 1/4" grids, these dripped drops are organized along the picture plane in a spiral format that begins in the center of the painting and expands outwards to the edge, emphasizing each painting's unique aura, yet simultaneous uniformity. The coalescing tones oscillate within their fabric-colored boundaries, creating a kaleidoscopic experience that attempts at an ideal manifestation of harmony and balance. 

Hayes’s involved exploration of color through his brush-less painting technique, creates shimmering planes of shifting silver and gray that interplay with the natural tones of his substrates resulting in truly polychromatic color fields.